Course Listing

Program Details

Program Course Listings

View semester order by location: Distance Education | East Grand Forks | Thief River Falls

Required Courses

Course No. Course Name Credits
ACCT 1104 Payroll 3
ACCT 1124 Spreadsheet Concepts 3
ACCT 2221 Accounting Capstone 4
BUSN 2210 Prin of Management 3
BUSN 2218 Legal Environment Busn 3
BUSN 2221 Prin Accounting I 4
BUSN 2222 Prin Accounting II 4
CPTR 1104 Intro to Computer Tech 3
MKTG 2200 Prin of Marketing 3
ECON 2201 Microeconomics 3
ECON 2202 Macroeconomics 3
ENGL 1111 Composition I 3
MATH 1110 College Algebra 3
MATH 2203 Statistics 4
PHIL 1102 Intro to Ethics 3
SPCH 1101 Intro to Public Speaking 3
G6 or G7 recommended 4
G3: Natural Sciences Elec See elective course options listed below 4
Total Credits 60

Program Elective Course Options


For this particular pathway, NCTC recommends a student explore further coursework in the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum areas listed below. Need help? Schedule an appointment with a Northland Academic Advisor for assistance in selecting courses.

G3: Natural Science Electives

Course No. Course Name Credits
BIOL 1101 Concepts of Biology 4
BIOL 1111 Biological Prin I 4
BIOL 1120 Human Biology 4
BIOL 2260 Anatomy and Phys I 4
CHEM 1020 Intro to Chemistry 4
CHEM 1121 General Chemistry I 5
CHEM 2205 Survey Gen-Org-Bio Chm 4
CHEM 2211 Organic Chemistry I 5
NSCI 1103 Geology 4
NSCI 1123 Astronomy 4
NSCI 2203 Environmental Science 4
PHYS 1111 General Physics I 4
PHYS 2211 Physics I 5
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