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Student Employment

Earn money for school by working on campus.

Northland Community & Technical College provides a wide variety of Student Employment. Student Employment positions may be funded through Federal Work Study or State Work Study. Some of these positions may be assistance in the college library, varying offices, and/or maintenance. The current rate of pay is $15.00 per hour. Generally, Northland authorizes up to 12 hours a week, and summer hours may be increased.

To Be Considered for Student Employment

  • Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • Financial aid needs to be completed.
  • Student needs to show financial need.
  • Be enrolled in at least six credits.

Applying for a Student Work Study Position

  1. Contact financial aid to see if you qualify for Student Employment.
  2. Review the Student Employment Handbook.
  3. View current job opportunities.
  4. Apply for a position.
  5. Meet with the supervisor for an interview for the position.

Note: You must be on campus to access the below link.

Steps After Being Hired