Start Your Bachelor’s Degree At Northland!
When you spend two years at Northland Community & Technical College completing the 60-credit Associate in Arts (A.A.) degree and transfer to a Minnesota state college or university, you will have satisfied the first two years of a four-year degree program.
At Approximately One-Third of the Cost
Additionally, your two years at Northland will cost approximately one-third less than if you completed them at a four-year Minnesota state college or university. The transfer option is an economical choice for many students.
Transfer Made Easy!
Since Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) is a united system, the schools work together to make transferring easier by offering the Minnesota transfer curriculum, a set of courses that will transfer to any Minnesota state college or university. At Northland Community & Technical College, the Minnesota transfer curriculum is built into the Associate of Arts (AA) degree.
Dual Admission Program
Northland Community & Technical College (Northland) has partnered with Bemidji State University (BSU) and the University of Minnesota Crookston (UMC) to create NorthernConnect to benefit you and your education exclusively. Together, we want you to have a well-defined, smooth, and stress-free transition to BSU or UMC from Northland when you are ready to earn your bachelor’s degree after completing your AA, AS, or AAS degree at Northland.