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Northland is seeking nominations and applications for the position of College President. Learn more.

CHS Tools & Resources

Tutoring Services

The Academic Success Center believes that every student can be a successful learner. The Center provides a learning environment that respects the rights of all students and offers equal opportunities to achieve academic success through staff and peer tutoring, supplemental instruction, and study skills development.

Northland Transcript Request

If you are planning to attend another college, it is your responsibility to request a transcript from Northland, showing your completed CHS courses.

Northland Student Handbook

The handbook contains the policies and procedures that relate to many aspects of your life as a student at Northland. Whether you study on campus or online, membership in the Northland community brings with it the responsibility of becoming familiar with these policies.

Code of Conduct for CHS Students

As a Northland CHS student, you are expected to abide by the same standards of student conduct as our on-campus students. Your situation is unique in that you also have your own high school rules and policies that you must follow. Our expectations from you regarding our CHS coursework is that you exhibit proper student behavior regarding academic honesty. See Northland Student Code of Conduct Policy.

Acronyms & Abbreviations

CHS – College in the High School. A written agreement between a college and a school district for the purpose of offering college-level learning to students who have been accepted into the college to take off-campus classes at a high school, at which approved high school teachers teach college credit classes during the normal school day.

NACEP – National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Programs. NACEP is a professional organization for high schools and colleges that fosters and supports rigorous concurrent enrollment. Established in 1999 in response to the dramatic increase in concurrent enrollment courses throughout the country, NACEP serves as a national accrediting body and supports all members by providing standards of excellence, research, communication, and advocacy.

PSEO – Postsecondary Enrollment Option. A program created by the Minnesota State Legislature in 1985 which allows high school juniors and seniors to take college-level courses that count both toward high school graduation and a college degree at the same time.