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Northland is seeking nominations and applications for the position of College President. Learn more.


Info for High School Counselors

The Northland Value

Helping your students succeed.

Welcome Counselors! We have prepared this page just for you to help guide your students in joining our community of Pioneers.

College for High Schoolers

Students walking

Post-Secondary Enrollment

Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) allow high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors to take courses at Northland to earn both college and high school credit.

Students studying with laptop

College in the High School

College in the High School (CHS) serves northwest Minnesota by providing Northland credits to aspiring high school students, helping them prepare for success in college.

Students studying with laptop

Online College in the High School

Explore Programs

A program for every passion.

Aerospace? Agriculture? Automotive? No matter what a student is interested in, we’re sure one of Northland’s 80+ programs will be a perfect fit.

Northland Plumbing Tech Program

Helpful Resources

Financial support

An affordable education is possible at Northland! Check out our financial aid resources that students and their families can use to plan for the future.

Student life

Northland provides a variety of clubs, activities, and cultural events for students to get involved in.

Additional resources

There’s so much to explore at Northland. Get to know the college and all it has to offer.