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Program Details

Complete these program requirements to earn a Patient Access Specialist Certificate at Northland.

Program Requirements

  1. All required courses must be completed with a grade of C or better to graduate.
  2. The program requires students to have current working knowledge of specific required courses. Courses older than five years will not be accepted for transfer into the program: ADMM 1110, 1120, 1135, 1150, 2280, HLTH 1106
    • The five year requirement on courses may be waived if an applicant has recent experience working or education in the health related fields.
  3. Computer and Webcam required. Online proctoring fees may apply.
  4. Students achieving assessment scores below the established minimums must register and successfully complete (with a grade of “C” or better) the required developmental courses in order to meet graduation requirements.
  5. The college minimum scores for the Next Generation Accuplacer Assessment test are as follows:
    • Reading: 250

Requirement Costs

For specific costs related to the listed program requirements, please visit the program costs page.