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Program Details

Complete these program requirements to earn an Occupational Therapy Assistant A.A.S. Degree at Northland. 

Program Requirements

  1. Complete the Northland admission process and declare the Occupational Therapy Assistant major.
  2. Students must complete an OTA program application in order to be considered for enrollment in OTAC 1115 or higher.
  3. Applicants must complete a ATI TEAS for Allied Health (AH).
  4. Students achieving assessment scores below the established minimums must register and successfully complete (with a grade of C or better) all required developmental courses in order to be admitted into the OTA program.
    • The program minimum scores for the Next Generation Accuplacer Assessment test are as follows:
      • Reading: 250
      • Arithmetic: 240
  5. All applicants must have completed or current enrollment in the below courses when submitting a program application:
    • BIOL 2260 Anatomy and Physiology I
    • HLTH 1106 Medical Terminology
    • OTAC 1001 Intro to OT
    • PSYC 2201 Developmental Psychology
    • All required courses for the program must be completed with a grade of C or better.
  6. Current CPR certification. CPR for Health Care Providers (American Heart Association) or CPR for Professional Rescuer (Red Cross) certification is required prior to entering OTAC 2000 level courses.
  7. Completion of the College Health Screening & Immunization information requirements through Castle Branch upon enrollment in OTAC courses.
  8. Completion and approval for clinical participation of the Minnesota Department of Humans Services Licensing Division Background Study and fingerprinting upon enrollment in OTAC courses. Completion and approval for clinical participation of a National Background Study through Castle Branch.
  9. The Level II Fieldwork courses (OTAC 2225 and OTAC 2235) may be taken in the 2nd summer semester or the 3rd fall semester.
  10. For more information, please read the OTA Program Handbook and Policy Manual.

Requirement Costs

For specific costs related to the listed program requirements, please visit the program costs page.