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Northland is seeking nominations and applications for the position of College President. Learn more.

Star Alert

Star Alert, a free emergency notification system, makes it possible for Northland students and employees to receive notice – by cell phone and/or e-mail – of campus-related emergencies that threaten life safety or severely impact campus operations.

There is no need to register. Students & employees are automatically registered using information they have previously provided to the college. You may also provide additional numbers and/or addresses if you would want significant others to be aware of the situation. If you do not want this service, simply log in and follow the instructions to opt out.

Staying Informed. Stay Safe.

In an emergency, Star Alert will send a text message to the cell number(s) and/or e-mail address(es) you provide. Notifications identified as “Star Alert” messages will note the nature of the emergency, what action, if any, you are to take, and where to find more information. Star Alert also will let you know if the campus is closed or if classes are delayed or canceled.

Star Alert notifications are in addition to any messages Northland Community & Technical College sends to all Northland e-mail addresses when there is an emergency. Depending on the nature and severity of the emergency, other mechanisms may include alerts on the Northland website and voicemail messages on campus phones.

Star Alert

The Star Alert System is an emergency notification system that makes it possible for students and employees to receive quick notifications (by cell phone and/or e-mail) of campus-related emergencies.

Important: You will be asked for an Identification Code when signing up. This code is your StarID.