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Campus Crime Report

Northland publishes the Annual Security Report each year. The report is distributed to all potential students and employees. All current students, faculty, and staff are emailed information that briefly describes the content of the report and also the exact Internet address where it can be found.

By clicking the link above, you can download a complete copy of the Annual Security Report. The report contains information regarding campus safety and security as required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.

Pursuant to the Act, the Northland monitors criminal activity and publishes this report containing a three-year statistical history of select crimes or incidents that occur. The statistics are gathered from four specific geographic areas; 1) campus, 2) public property that is adjacent to campus, and 4) non-campus property controlled by the campus.

Report a Crime

All forms are to be sent to the College Safety Director.