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Northland Students Awarded LeadMN Scholarships

Northland Students Awarded LeadMN Scholarships

These competitive awards given to a small group of students across the state with strong leadership skills & a commitment to serving others.

March 21, 2022 – Two Northland students have been honored with prominent LeadMN for the 2022 spring semester.

The statewide two-year college student association known as LeadMN represents over 100,000 students at colleges across Minnesota and provides leadership training and opportunities. LeadMN scholarships are highly selective, receiving applicants from all corners of the state.

“No matter the criteria, each scholarship recognizes not only the potential for future leadership in industries and professions across Minnesota but also the incredible contributions they have already made to their respective academic fields,” shared Jason Pangiarella, Student Success Coordinator & Advisor at Northland.

Northland is proud to publicly acknowledge:

Philip Krzyszton

Philip Krzyszton has been awarded the John Kenneth Niemi Memorial Tool Fund Scholarship. Philip is an Aviation Maintenance major and a member of Northland’s student government. His background in volunteerism and community service is nothing short of inspiring. Phillip is a natural leader and has been active in statewide 4-H leadership before coming to Northland. Philip is expected to graduate spring semester of 2023.

“Receiving this scholarship goes way beyond the monetary aspect of helping financially and awards great amounts of motivation,” shared Kryszton. “Seeing LeadMN invest in my journey reinforces that I am on the correct path and need to keep building towards my future of becoming a valuable asset to society.”

Carter Novacek

Carter Novacek is a Robens and Dembiczak Scholarship winner. Carter has been an asset to Northland during his tenure in the Geospatial Intelligence program. He is an advocate and, as a nontraditional student, is a role model for all. He showcases dedication and maturity in approaching academic responsibilities and leads by example. This scholarship acknowledges his many contributions to the Northland classroom. Carter will graduate in spring 2023.

Receiving this scholarship to me is just the beginning of an adventure in education. Education is the only thing that nobody can take away,” Novacek said. “The people believing in me and awarding me this scholarship tell me that I have more work to do since they believe in the same values as I do.”

“These students should be celebrated for their commitment, dedication, and passion in their academic pursuits,” Pangiarella continued. “We are immensely proud of these Pioneers.”