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Northland Announces Summer 2020 President’s & Dean’s Lists


Northland Announces Summer 2020 President’s & Dean’s Lists

Northland honors its students' academic achievements each semester through the publication of the President's and Dean's list

September 2, 2020 – Northland Community & Technical College is proud to announce the summer 2020 semester academic honors lists. Northland honors its students’ academic achievements each semester through the publication of the President’s and Dean’s list.

PRESIDENT’S LIST: Summer 2020 Semester

The President’s List for students earning academic honors for the summer 2020 semester at Northland Community and Technical College – East Grand Forks and Thief River Falls has been released. Students must have at least 12 earned credits as of the last day of the semester and a semester grade-point average of 3.75 to 4.0 must be achieved to be eligible for the Northland Community and Technical College President’s List.

Congratulations to the following students: (Students listed alphabetically by hometown)
East Grand ForksMNHajiNaimaBusiness Transfer Pathway
East Grand ForksMNHusseinBahjaSurgical Technology
Grand ForksNDSawadogoRakietaAccounting
PrincetonMNKnoxDakotahAviation Maintenance Technology
Thief River FallsMNBimlerJamesLiberal Arts & Sciences

DEAN’S LIST: Summer 2020 Semester

The Dean’s List for students earning academic honors during the summer 2020 semester at Northland Community and Technical College – East Grand Forks and Thief River Falls has been released. Students must have at least 12 earned credits as of the last day of the semester and a semester grade-point average of 3.5 to 3.74 must be achieved to be eligible for the Northland Community and Technical College Dean’s List.

Congratulations to the following students: (Students listed alphabetically by hometown)

East Grand ForksMNAliNimoSurgical Technology
Grand ForksNDStullShawnLiberal Arts & Sciences
Grand Forks AFBNDSmithNicolePractical Nursing
St. CloudMNSchmidtMelinaEarly Childhood & Paraprofessional
Thief River FallsMNWeberRyan