Complete these program requirements to earn an Associate of Applied Science Peace Officer Degree.
Program Requirements
Students achieving assessment scores below the established minimums must register and successfully complete (with a grade of C or better) the required developmental courses in order to meet graduation requirements.
The college minimum scores for the Next Generation Accuplacer Assessment test are as follows:
Reading: 250
Arithmetic: 240
All required CRJU courses and SOCI 1107 must be completed with a grade of C or better.
Requirements for CRJU 2229 Skills 1 (fall semester) and CRJU 2239 Skills 2 (spring semester)
- 2.0 cumulative GPA.
- Students who are on warning or probation status must have permission of the Peace Officer Program Director to register for CRJU 2229 and CRJU 2239.
- Completion and approval for clinical participation of a National Background Study through Castle Branch. Cost $45.75 first year, $26 second year (if needed). Please see the Minnesota Peace Officer Licensing link that addresses the Minnesota Minimum Selection Standards to be licensed as a Peace Officer.
- Completion and approval of the Minnesota Multi-Phasic Personality Inventory-2 Restructured Form ( MMPI 2 RF)
- Medical clearance from a healthcare provider stating student is physically eligible to participate in skills (see attached PHYSICIANS APPROVAL FORM)
- CRJU 2229 and CRJU 2239 are physically challenging courses.