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Program Details


Complete these program requirements to earn an Associate of Applied Science Peace Officer Degree.

Program Requirements

Students achieving assessment scores below the established minimums must register and successfully complete (with a grade of C or better) the required developmental courses in order to meet graduation requirements.

The college minimum scores for the Next Generation Accuplacer Assessment test are as follows:
Reading: 250
Arithmetic: 240

All required CRJU courses and SOCI 1107 must be completed with a grade of C or better.

Requirements for CRJU 2229 Skills 1 (fall semester) and CRJU 2239 Skills 2 (spring semester)

  1. 2.0 cumulative GPA.
  2. Students who are on warning or probation status must have permission of the Peace Officer Program Director to register for CRJU 2229 and CRJU 2239.
  3. Completion and approval for clinical participation of a National Background Study through Castle Branch. Cost $45.75 first year, $26 second year (if needed). Please see the Minnesota Peace Officer Licensing link that addresses the Minnesota Minimum Selection Standards to be licensed as a Peace Officer.
  4. Completion and approval of the Minnesota Multi-Phasic Personality Inventory-2 Restructured Form ( MMPI 2 RF)
  5. Medical clearance from a healthcare provider stating student is physically eligible to participate in skills (see attached PHYSICIANS APPROVAL FORM)
  6. CRJU 2229 and CRJU 2239 are physically challenging courses.