Your Library Account
Your StarID serves as your library account. Faculty and staff have extended loan privileges for book loans: a book will be due at the end of the semester in which it is borrowed. The loan period for media is one week.
Accessing Resources
Faculty and Staff use their StarID for login to access our resources from off campus.
Library Instruction
Although students may seem quite fluent with their digital devices, knowing how to navigate library resources to find appropriate sources for an assignment may be completely foreign! A library instruction session introduces your students to using the library catalog and our databases. After a session, we often hear comments like, “Wow, I wish I would have learned this earlier”. When your class has a library instruction session, you know everyone has a baseline of knowledge for finding good, credible resources for your assignments.
The faculty librarian welcomes invitations to present information about library resources to your class. Library instruction sessions are most effective when tied to an assignment, when your students are ready to embark on their information seeking quest. The librarian will structure the session around your assignment. Sessions are usually designed for a regular 50-minute class session.
To request an instruction session for your class, contact the librarian. Requests should be made at least two weeks in advance. It is expected that the faculty instructor will be with the class and present at the session. Sessions are scheduled on a first-come – first-served basis, so the earlier you submit your request, the better!
Course Reserve
At your request, we can put items on reserve at the library desk. These may be items from the library collection or items from your personal or departmental library. The loan period for reserve items is two hours (in-library use only) or overnight (due the following day at noon). Please fill out the Library Reserve Request Form and bring it with your items to the library.
Research Assistance
The librarian can help staff and students with in-depth reference and research assistance. Please schedule your 30-minute appointment by contacting the librarian. Drop-in visits are accommodated when possible.
Online/Distance Students
Most services available to on-campus students are also available to our online/distance ed students. If students do not have a StarID, Library staff need to activate library user accounts for online students so they may access the Northland databases and request articles through Interlibrary Loan. (Due to time constraints, we are unable to provide Interlibrary Loan book service to online students). Faculty teaching online/distance ed classes who would like their students to have access to library databases should contact Robin Langevin, TRF Library Assistant.
Requests for Purchase
The library welcomes purchase suggestions. Please email your recommendations to the librarian. The library’s collection development policy guides purchasing decisions of the library. Resources that support Northland programs and curriculum take priority. Physical materials purchased with library funds will be added to the library catalog and housed in the library.
Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is facilitated through MINITEX, a statewide library consortium. Materials we don’t own can often be borrowed from another library through ILL. Books and media will be sent to the library. Copies of articles are usually sent electronically to the patron; photocopies will be delivered to the library. The library will contact the patron when items are ready for pick up.