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Northland Tutors

On-Demand, 1-to-1 Tutoring Anytime, Anywhere. Please log in to Northland’s D2L Brightspace to access.

Tutoring Resources

  • Brightstorm – study videos and practice problems in English, Math, and Science
  • Citation Machine – assistance with formatting for all reference types
  • FreeMathHelp – sample lessons with calculators for Algebra and Calculus topics
  • Ginger – proofreading software to help with spelling, grammar, and context
  • Khan Academy – online learning modules and videos with a wide array of topics
  • KnightCite – assistance with formatting for MLA references
  • MathWay – assistance with solving equations and understanding notations
  • Purdue OWL – online writing help, including citations for APA and CLA
  • WolframAlpha – find definitions, descriptions, and formulas about your specific topic