Administrative Chain of Command Policy


The chain of command for necessary management decisions in case of Northland administration absences is as follows:

College-Wide Decisions:

  1. President
  2. Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
  3. Chief Financial Officer
  4. Director of Human Resources
  5. Dean of Student Affairs
  6. Dean of Health and Public Services
  7. Dean of Technical Programs
  8. Dean of Liberal Arts, Online, and Technical Programs
  9. Associate Dean of Transportation, Manufacturing, and Agriculture Programs

Policy History

Date of Implementation09/09/2004
Date of Adoption09/09/2004
Date of Last Review07/11/2023

Date & Subject of Revisions

Date & Subject of Revisions: 6/30/05; titles updated; 1/9/06; titles updated, order changed per organizational chart revisions Date & Subject of Revisions: 10-01-15: Revise chain of command to reflect Organizational Chart and title changes Reviewed: 7/1/15 Reviewed: 7/1/16 Reviewed: 7/1/17 Reviewed: 8/7/18: Revise chain of command to reflect organizational chart and title changes. Reviewed: 7/11/23 Revise chain of command to reflect organizational chart and title changes.