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Deadlines & Tips


Discussion topics, assignment folders, and quiz/test deadlines with Desire2Learn are strictly enforced. If a quiz/test needs to be completed or an assignment uploaded to assignment folder, make sure to complete the process before the posted deadline. Once the deadline has passed, students access to the quiz/test, assignment folder, or discussion topic is automatically blocked by Desire2Learn. Failure to complete by the posted deadline may result in no credit. Exceptions are at the discretion of the instructor.


Naming a file to be uploaded to a Assignment folder

  • The file name must contain the students name or initials.
  • The file name should not contain any spaces, use an underscore __ in place of a space.
  • The file name should not contain any of the following characters: \ : * ? ” < > | # , % & .

Examples of a CORRECT file name:

  • JaneDoe_chapter1questions
  • JAD_chpt_1_questions

Examples of an INCORRECT file name:

  • JaneDoe chapter 1 questions
  • chapter #1 questions

Quiz-taking best practices

It is recommended to be hard wired when taking a quiz. Do not use a wireless connection to take a quiz. Students answer selections are automatically saved after each selection. Students musct click Submit Quiz button when finished taking the quiz. If students get locked or logged out of D2L, they should log back in, and continue with the quiz. Remember: quiz takers can re-enter quizzes before the quiz end date and time. If a quiz requires the Lockdoown Browser, students can not log out and log back into a quiz. The quiz is finished once a student logs out.

Logging out of D2L

When finished using D2L, click the dropdown arrow to the right of students name, click Log Out.

All materials located inside D2L courses are copyright protected. Violations of copyright laws are also violations of the Northland Student Code of Conduct.

Download Course Material

If students want to download any course material to their hard drive or network folder, they should choose the download button or arrow button. Then select a location on their hard drive or network folder to save the file.

PowerPoint Presentations

If printing PowerPoint presentations on campus, do not print one slide per page. Consider using the handouts option on the print screen, rather than the slides option, and choose three or six slides per page.


As a student in a Desire2Learn course, you are in a password-protected environment. Only students in the course and your instructor(s) have access to the course. Some courses are collaboratively developed so the other developers also have access to the course. Depending on your course, special guests may be joining for the course duration or for a portion of the course. If anyone other than those officially associated with the course have access to it, your instructor should notify you up front.

Desire2Learn Activities

Many of your Desire2Learn activities can be tracked and accessed by your instructor. The following is a summary of your activities that your instructor has access to.

  • All discussion postings – are automatically signed with your name and are for academic purposes only.
  • All discussions postings, assignment folder submissions, and quizzes — are date and time stamped.
  • Survey – anonymous results – instructors can not determine which students have completed the survey.
  • Course content – The number of times a topic/item has been viewed is logged.

Your instructor does not have access to the Desire2Learn private mail messages that you send to your classmates. However, you should be aware that you cannot send an anonymous mail message within Desire2Learn. Email messages are not guaranteed to be private.

NOTE: Your instructor does not have access to your activities in other Desire2Learn courses unless they are teaching the course.