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Course Listing

G6: Human/Fine Arts Elec

Goal Area 6: Humanities and Fine Arts A minimum of 8 credits (3 courses) from two departments from the following:

Course No. Course Title Credits Fulfills Goal Areas
ARTS 1101 Art Appreciation 3 2, 6, 8
ARTS 1114 Foundation Drawing I 3 2, 6
ARTS 1122 Digital Imaging 3 2, 6
ARTS 1127 Foundation 2D Design 3 2, 6
ARTS 1128 Foundation 3D Design 3 2, 6
ARTS 1130 Intro to Photography 3 2, 6
ARTS 1131 Digital Photography 3 2, 6
ARTS 1156 Intro to Painting 3 2, 6
ARTS 1157 Intro to Printmaking 3 2, 6
ARTS 1233 Foundation Art History I 3 6, 8
ARTS 1234 Foundation Art History II 3 6, 7
ARTS 2006 Foundation Drawing II 3 2, 6
ARTS 2007 Painting II 3 2, 6
ARTS 2160 Intro to Sculpture 3 2, 6
ARTS 2210 Intro to Ceramics 3 2, 6
CMST 2222 Intro to Media Literacy 2 6
ENGL 1126 Intro to Literature 3 6
ENGL 2100 Intro to Literary Studies 3 6
ENGL 2203 Creative Writing 3 6
ENGL 2221 Women's Literature 3 2, 6
ENGL 2231 Literature and Film 3 6
ENGL 2242 American Lit Post-1865 3 6
ENGL 2248 Multicultural Literature 3 6, 7
ENGL 2258 World Literature 3 6, 8
ENGL 2261 Intro to Drama 3 6
ENGL 2262 Intro to Film 3 6
ENGL 2263 Intro to Short Stories 3 6
HUMN 1101 Intro to Humanities 3 2, 6
MUSC 1110 Understanding Music 3 6
MUSC 1210 Rock Music thru Time 3 6, 7
MUSC 1250 Music of Black America 3 6, 7
MUSC 2110 Appreciating Jazz 3 6, 7
MUSC 2250 Music of Latin America 3 6, 8
MUSC 2510 Music Around the World 3 6, 8
PHIL 1101 Intro to Philosophy 3 2, 6
PHIL 1102 Intro to Ethics 3 2, 6, 9
PHIL 1111 Philosophy of Religion 3 6, 8
PHIL 2210 Morals and Medicine 3 2, 6, 9
THTR 1102 Beginning Acting 3 6
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