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Earn college credit for your military occupation!

Minnesota’s Global Military Learning Network (GMLN) military bridge programs are online programs for service members who have trained in specific occupations and are interested in earning college credit toward specific degrees, diplomas, and certificates.

Upon acceptance, your military training and experience can be transferred as credits to a bridge program. These GMLN military bridge programs are fully online, and applications are accepted year-round.

Our online bridge programs eliminate time and financial barriers for you by awarding credit for the learning you’ve done in the service. Bridge programs also reduce costs for taxpayers who would otherwise pay both for the initial military training and for the re-training outside the military through veterans’ federal education benefits. The flexible online format of these programs means you can set your own schedule for studying and coursework, whether you’re serving overseas or located anywhere in the U.S. 

Military Bridge Programs at Northland

Military students will gain skills and knowledge that will help in your military role and will also offer excellent opportunities for post-military civilian employment if you separate from service. You can receive maximum transfer credit for previous qualifying military education based on your occupational training. Receiving credit can help save both time and money pursuing an education.