Employee Resources

Request Help

  • For URGENT technology requests, contact the ITS helpdesk.
  • For NON-URGENT technology requests, please submit a GroupLink Ticket.

GroupLink is a ticketing system that helps ensure timely responses to technology requests and honors existing priorities. Any qualified IT staff member will be able to view and process the request. A link to GroupLink can be found on your desktop or from the link located on the Employee Resources page.

Video Conferences

Meetings may be scheduled via video conferencing with our campus as well as other campuses. “Go Green” by meeting via video conference! Instructions are available to assist with scheduling or canceling the video conferences.


Employee printing is charged back to the user logged into the computer. Departments and cost centers are charged back monthly for the printing completed. See our Handouts section for instructions to install printers and monitor your print balance.

Employee Central

Employee Central is the central location for all employee resources. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the ITS department related resources. Some may also be listed in the Frequently Visited sites.


Access you network files from home. No more trips to the office to update that single file. Save your work on the network and remote in from home. Review the handout for how to install of VPN.

Backup Files

Computers and hard drives can fail at any time, be sure to back up your files to a second source. Hardware failure and viruses are the leading cause of loosing your important data and files. All employees should back up files to the network folder.


Employee training takes place at both the TRF and EGF campuses. Handouts have been created to accompany training or as a stand alone reference.

Computer Use Policy 5010-5010P

Computer and information technology resources are essential tools in accomplishing the mission of Northland Community & Technical College. These resources must be used and managed responsibly in order to ensure their availability for the competing demands of teaching, scholarship, administration and other mission-related uses. Procedure #5010P and 5010.1P establish responsibilities for acceptable use of Northland Community and Technical College information technology resources and Cellular and Other Mobile Computing Devices. Please view Northland’s policy website and MnSCU’s Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources 5.22.1.

Computer Care and Maintenance

At Northland, computers are vital in the success of academics and our daily routine. View the handout for proper care and maintenance of your college issued desktop or laptop.