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Scholarship Recipients to be Honored at Northland Foundation Scholarship Ceremonies


Scholarship Recipients to be Honored at Northland Foundation Scholarship Ceremonies

Over $230,000 in scholarships awarded at both of Northland's campuses

March 14, 2022 – Northland Community & Technical College is proud to honor students who have been awarded Northland Community & Technical College Foundation scholarships for the spring semester and recognize its donors. A ceremony will be held on the East Grand Forks campus on Wednesday, March 16, at 2:00 p.m. A similar ceremony will be held on the Thief River Falls Campus on Thursday, March 24, at 12:00 p.m.

As part of its mission to enhance the educational experience of students, the Northland Foundation offers scholarship opportunities semi-annually to current and incoming students. With the generous support and investments from individuals and local businesses, the Northland Foundation has distributed over $415,000 during the 2021-2022 academic year in scholarships from the foundation as well as other State of Minnesota initiatives. Over 170 Northland Foundation scholarships totaling nearly $100,000 were awarded to students on both the East Grand Forks and Thief River Falls campuses this semester.

“This is a record-breaking year for scholarships distributed with over $230,000 awarded between fall semester, spring semester, and our Minnesota Department of Agriculture scholarships. An additional $186,000 was awarded for Workforce Development Scholarships from the State of Minnesota,” exclaimed Lars Dyrud, Northland Foundation Executive Director. “Northland is the affordable choice for workforce training in our region. Scholarships make it an even better choice. Thanks to our generous donors, we are making a difference in the lives of students!”

Congratulations to the following students: (Listed alphabetically by hometown)

Alvarado, MNSandsLuciaJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Argyle, MNHaugenMatthewJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Baraboo, WIFitzpatrickBrendanThief River Falls Times John P. Mattson Endowment Scholarship
Baudette, MNHartnellHeatherÿHartz Foundation Scholarship
Baudette, MNNordlofTannerLowell & Marge Swenson Renewals
Baudette, MNNordlofTannerÿTechnical Student Senate Scholarship
Beltrami, MNQualleyHeatherRandall & Verna Noper Memorial Endowment Scholarship
Bemidji, MNAdamsGraceHartz Foundation Scholarship
Glendale, CAKhachatourianSarinehDistance Student Scholarship
Cavalier, NDBockheimSarahLaVonne Kaspari Memorial Endowment Scholarship
Cavalier, NDMcCollScottJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Clearbrook, MNTaflinJackieÿGene & Gretchen Beito Endowment Scholarship
Climax, MNLarsonJacobJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Courtenay, NDSpragueEthanÿMarge & Orin Green Endowment Scholarship
Crookston, MNGrantColbieEGF VFW Scholarship
Crookston, MNMagsamRylieMaxine Thompson Memorialÿ
Crookston, MNSchulzBrettRobert E. Bolleson Endowment Scholarship
Crookston, MNStricklandGermaineHartz Foundation Scholarship
Detroit Lakes, MNJacksonPaytonJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Drayton, NDBartaEmmaEarly Recruitment Scholarship
Drayton, NDHatloyChartonCarl Reed Memorial Scholarship
Drayton, NDStegmanKaseyGordon & Jan Peterson Endowment Scholarship
East Grand Forks, MNHolienColtonEGF VFW Scholarship
East Grand Forks, MNMahamudAbdiJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
East Grand Forks, MNMohamedOmarJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
El Paso, TXDomingueJaelinJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Fertile, MNRollandKatyTechnical Student Senate Scholarship
Fisher, MNWagnerJoshuaJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Fosston, MNHoveChrisRobert E. Bolleson Endowment Scholarship
Fosston, MNOlsonReidJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Galesburg, NDDicksonBenjaminJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Goodridge, MNCoanVivianMarge & Orin Green Endowment Scholarship
Goodridge, MNHaugenIanÿJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Goodridge, MNManderudRileyDondelinger Scholarship
Goodridge, MNManderudRileyHartz Foundation Scholarship
Goodridge, MNPaulsonMadisonEarly Recruitment Scholarship
Goodridge, MNPaulsonMadisonGladys Person Estate Scholarship
Goodridge, MNPaulsonMadisonLowell & Marge Swenson Renewals
Goodridge, MNSalentinyTamaraAmerican Association of University Women Scholarship
Goodridge, MNWalsethTrinityJohn Steidl Memorial Scholarship
Goodridge, MNWiskowAmyRomal & Stella Burtness Memorial Endowment Scholarship
Grafton, NDRudnikCaseyÿJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Grand Forks, NDAliDawudJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Grand Forks, NDBackesSusanÿEGF VFW Scholarship
Grand Forks, NDBairArtherDondelinger Scholarship
Grand Forks, NDBairArtherHartz Foundation Scholarship
Grand Forks, NDBaruwalApsaraHartz Foundation Scholarship
Grand Forks, NDClemetsonLandenJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Grand Forks, NDCrooksJohnÿEGF VFW Scholarship
Grand Forks, NDFontaineDerrickJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Grand Forks, NDFontaineTravisJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Grand Forks, NDKofaKofindaNorthland EGF Employee Scholarship
Grand Forks, NDKonerlaNickoleJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Grand Forks, NDLarsenAndrewJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Grand Forks, NDMcGregorRyanÿMaxine Thompson Memorialÿ
Grand Forks, NDMudgeJillEGF VFW Scholarship
Grand Forks, NDRhondeauAlyssaSteve Hillman Memorial Scholarship
Grand Forks, NDWilliamsSonyaJack Hangsleben Endowment Scholarship
Grand Forks, NDWilliamsSonyaJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Greenbush, MNBlackHannaDr. Tyrone Birkeland Endowment Scholarship
Greenbush, MNUtterMaxJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Greenbush, MNZakGageLowell & Marge Swenson Renewals
Grygla, MNKuzniaChloeGladys Person Estate Scholarship
Hamilton, NDMillerMarkÿJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Hawley, MNZingrafNickÿPresident Anne Temte Retention Scholarship
Hinton, IABalesGageCoya Knuston Memorial Scholarship
Hoople, NDSwansonAlexanderJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Hugo, MNJaquesParkerNorthland TRF Employee Scholarship
Lancaster, MNWeleskiAprilEarly Recruitment Scholarship
Lancaster, MNWeleskiAprilGerald & Marilyn Wigness Music Scholarship
Lancaster, MNWeleskiAprilLowell & Marge Swenson Renewals
Lancaster, MNWeleskiAprilTRF Community Arts Council Scholarship
Larimore, NDLippBeckyÿDistance Student Scholarship
Leesburg, FLNettlesDmaniHartz Foundation Scholarship
Mahnomen, MNEiynckGarretManagement Education Scholarship
McIntosh, MNAndresFelicityÿLowell & Marge Swenson Renewals
McIntosh, MNAndressFelicityCharles Richards Law Enforcement Endowment Scholarship
McIntosh, MNAndressFelicityEarly Recruitment Scholarship
McIntosh, MNAndressFelcityHartz Foundation Scholarship
McIntosh, MNAndressFelicityThief River Falls Noon Lioness Club Scholarship
Middle River, MNChaplinskiMichaelJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Middle River, MNLoerzelBrandonDondelinger Scholarship
Middle River, MNLoerzelBrandonDuane Brown Memorial Scholarship
Middle River, MNLoerzelBrandonJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Middle River, MNMerrillBradyEarly Recruitment Scholarship
Mohall, NDJohnsonDeaconJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Moorhead, MNRehderJayÿJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Newfolden, MNBengstonRebeccaJ. Weir & Gladys Ewing Memorial Endowment Scholarship
Newfolden, MNDahlKeyleeNorthern State Bank
Newfolden, MNGroveNoahÿEarly Recruitment Scholarship
Newfolden, MNHoglinIsaiahEarly Recruitment Scholarship
Newfolden, MNShetlerKylieLowell & Marge Swenson Renewals
Newfolden, MNShetlerKylieSylvia Jenson LPN Memorial Scholarshipÿ
NigeriaObahCharlesSylvia Jenson RN Memorial Scholarshipÿ
Ogema, MNGrothJosephJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Okeechobee, FLPhillipsAshawn-TaedoHartz Foundation Scholarship
Park Rapids, MNSafratowichKadenJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Plaza, NDBangenJustusJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Red Lake Falls, MNBrummondSusanHartz Foundation Scholarship
Red Lake Falls, MNDudenJakeJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Red Lake Falls, MNKasprowiczJordanJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Red Lake Falls, MNLandmanFrederickCota Family Scholarship
Red Lake Falls, MNLandmanFrederickNorman and Grace Holen Memorial Scholarship
Red Lake Falls, MNWalsethTrinityHartz Foundation Scholarship
Rolla, NDMitchellJacobÿJack Hangsleben Endowment Scholarship
Rolla, NDMitchellJakeJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Roseau, MNDalloGildaHartz Foundation Scholarship
Roseau, MNKompelienAidenEarly Recruitment Scholarship
Roseau, MNNovacekCarterTechnical Student Senate Scholarship
Roseau, MNReedChaseÿNorthland EGF Employee Scholarship
Roseau, MNRocaCristinaEarly Recruitment Scholarship
Sebastian, FLEnglandRyanHartz Foundation Scholarship
Sharon, NDOstmoJoelJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
St. Hilaire, MNKruseAshleighNorthern State Bank
St. Hilaire, MNKruseAshleighLowell & Marge Swenson Renewals
St. Hilaire, MNZunigaBrandonNorthern State Bank
Stephen, MNHansonAndrewJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Strandquist, MNBudziszewskiAntonJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Strathcona, MNGustColtenJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Strathcona, MNSchaferDavidRobert E. Bolleson Endowment Scholarship
Sumter, SCDobyJustinHartz Foundation Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNAndersonKinseyAmerican Association of University Women Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNAndersonKinseyNorthland TRF Employee Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNBarnesLaurenEarly Recruitment Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNBarnesLaurenGladys Person Estate Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNBenittJocelynnLowell & Marge Swenson Renewals
Thief River Falls, MNBohnenkampAnnaNorthern State Bank
Thief River Falls, MNDavisJacobJohn Michael Anderson Memorial Endowment Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNForstMaxGene & Gretchen Beito Endowment Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNGossJazlynHartz Foundation Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNHackett-UlrichRickeyDondelinger Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNHackett-UlrichRickeyJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Thief River Falls, MNHoffardKyleeHartz Foundation Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNHoffardKyleeJim And Phyllis Dalager Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNKnochenmusColeHartz Foundation Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNKnutsonLoganÿJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Thief River Falls, MNKuzniaChloeLowell & Marge Swenson Renewals
Thief River Falls, MNKuzniaChloeTechnical Student Senate Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNLaCoursiereKylieFrances McLachlan Memorial Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNManabatRaymartHartz Foundation Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNMaurstadKadenEarly Recruitment Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNNehringJenniferBorder State Bank
Thief River Falls, MNNehringJenniferNorthland TRF Employee Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNOsowskiAlexÿGene & Gretchen Beito Endowment Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNRichardsTylerHartz Foundation Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNSalentinyTamaraHartz Foundation Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNSloanCassieHartz Foundation Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNTrincianteChristoferHartz Foundation Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNWeetsJennaBorder State Bank
Thief River Falls, MNWeetsJennaGolden Pioneers Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNWeetsJennaLowell & Marge Swenson Renewals
Thief River Falls, MNWilliamsCraigDuane A. Holland Memorial Endowment Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNWilliamsCraigÿNorthern State Bank
Thief River Falls, MNWilliamsCraigÿHartz Foundation Scholarship
Thief River Falls, MNZunigaBrandonLowell & Marge Swenson Renewals
Thief River Falls, MNZunigaBrandonNCTC Foundation Memorial Endowment Scholarship
Trail, MNTofstadWillNorthern State Bank
Ulen, MNMooreMichaelÿJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Ulen, MNRodewaldDanielleHartz Foundation Scholarship
Vero Beach, FLÿJennings JrAntoineMarge & Orin Green Endowment Scholarship
Vero Beach, FLÿPlacideKennyHartz Foundation Scholarship
Viking, MNVanderlindenTylerJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Waite Park, MNHopkinsSydneyHartz Foundation Scholarship
Wannaska, MNDiesenDawsonJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Warren, MNJonesThomasJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Warren, MNMcGregorEarlÿJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Waubun, MNMillerJacobÿStuart Keller Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Waudenmee,WIKrzystonPhilipTechnical Student Senate Scholarship
Waumandee, WIKrzystonPhilipGladys Person Estate Scholarship
Wheatland, NDRadermacherSamJack Hangsleben Endowment Scholarship
Wheatland, NDRadermacherSamuelJeanne Kotrba Memorial Estate
Whitefish, MTSloanCassieGigstad Education Endowment Scholarship
Ypsilanti, NDHuebnerCotyÿDondelinger Scholarship
For more information on scholarship opportunities available at Northland, visit or phone 1-800-959-6282.