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Northland Faculty & Staff Selected To Receive Awards for Excellence


Northland Faculty & Staff Selected To Receive Awards for Excellence

Recipients will be honored at the NISOD International Conference on Teaching & Leadership Excellence May 23-26 in Austin, TX

March 11, 2020 – Northland Community & Technical College is proud to announce that three staff members have been selected for the 2020 National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development Excellence Award (NISOD).

Kelsy Blowers – Counselor

Erin Bulger – Architectural Technology & Design Instructor

Kerry Jaeger – English Instructor

NISOD’s Excellence Awards recognize men and women each year who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment and contribution to their students and colleagues. In 1989, in connection with a University of Texas at Austin national study of teaching excellence, NISOD hosted its first ceremony honoring NISOD Excellence Award recipients. The response to that ceremony was so positive that NISOD began what has become the largest and most inspiring gathering that recognizes the contributions and achievements of community and technical college faculty, administrators, and staff.

Northland Architectural Technology & Design Instructor Erin Bulger expresses, “I’m honored to be selected for this award. Northland is full of high caliber faculty and staff so it means a lot to me to have been nominated. I appreciate that continuous learning is a priority here and that we have so many opportunities for professional development.”

“I am very honored to receive the NISOD award. I have always found it rewarding to provide support to students and have appreciated observing students’ accomplishments,” shares Northland Counselor Kelsy Blowers, “Being recognized for my work by colleagues and students is the highest honor.”

“I am humbled and honored by the NISOD recognition,” proclaimed Kerry Jaeger, Northland English instructor.

Northland recipients will be honored at the Excellence Awards Dinner and Celebration held in conjunction with the annual NISOD International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence, May 23-26, in Austin, Texas.

“Recognizing those individuals who have contributed to student success and their colleges’ mission is something we look forward to doing each year,” said Dr. Edward J. Leach, NISOD’s Executive Director. “The extraordinary work of these men and women includes not only what they do for their students and colleagues, but what they do for the communities in which they live and work. We’re honored to be able to play a part in celebrating their achievements.”

“It is wonderful to recognize, through these awards, the great work that takes place at Northland. This year we not only have faculty representing both technical and Liberal Arts program areas, but also one of our counselors from student services,” states Northland Provost Brian Huschle, “This recognition reflects that the work we do at Northland to engage students and help them attain their goals cut across academic programs, and faculty, as well as student services and how all of our employees work with students.”


For community and technical colleges that want to make the most of their professional development dollars, NISOD provides budget-friendly, high-quality, and faculty-focused programs and resources. For nearly 40 years, NISOD’s customer-focused approach has helped align our wide array of benefits with the needs of our members. For more information about NISOD, visit